GTA San Andreas
GTA SAN ANDREAS™ (cheaty) 2
a) výhody
LXGIWYL -Sada zbraní 1 (thugs tools)
KJKSZPJ -Sada zbraní 2 (professional tools)
UZUMYMW -Sada zbraní 3 (nuttert tools)
WANRLTW -Neomezená munice
NCSGDAG -Hodnost HITMAN ve všech zbraních
OUIQDMW -Maximální přesnost zbraní během jízdy
HESOYAM -Zdraví,armor(vestu) a 250 000 $
BAGUVIX -Neomezené zdraví (neplatí při zásahem bazukou)
b) Policie, atributy a gangy
OSRBLHH -Zvýší úroveň hledanosti o 2 * hvězdičky
LJSPQK -Zvýší úroveň hledanosti o 6 * hvězdičky
ASNAEB-(ASNEAB)-Vymaže úroveň hledanosti (no police)
AEZAKMI -Nikdy nebudete hledaní
MUNASEF -Adrenalin Mode
KANGAROO -Mega skok (přeskočíte i plot na letišti)
IAVENJQ -Mega úder (člověk kterého bouchnete odletí 10m daleko)
AEDUWNV -Nikdy nebudete hladoví
CVWKXAM -Neomezený kyslík
BTCDBCB -Tlustý (jste jako kulička)
KVGYZQK -Hubený (jste jako vychrtlá chudinka)
JYSDSOD -Max svaly (jste sexy muž)
OGXSDAG -Max Respekt (všichni vás budou respektovat, souhlasit s vámi)
EHIBXQS -Max Sex Appeal (budete přitažlivý)
MROEMZH -Členové gangu jsou všude (všechny druhy gangů jsou všude)
BIFBUZZ -Gangy ovládají ulice
c) Vyvolávání vozidel
AIWPRTON -Rhino (tank)
CQZIJMB -Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH -Rancher (farmářské auto-nevím jaké)?
PDNEJOH -Racecar (závodní auto #1)
VPJTQWV -Racecar (závodní auto #2)
AQTBCODX -Romero-Romeo (Alfa Romeo)
KRIJEBR -Stretch (limuzína-většinou bílá)
UBHYZHQ -Trashmaster (popelář)
RZHSUEW -Caddy (auto ve kterém se jezdí na golfovém hřišti)
JUMPJET -Hydra (stíhačka)
KGGGDKP -Vortex Hovercraft (vznášedlo)
OHDUDE -Hunter (vojenský vrtulní)
AKJJYGLC -Quad (čtyřkolka)
AMOMHRER -Tanker Truck (náklaďák i s přívěsem)
EEGCYXT -Dozer (bagr)
URKQSRK -Stunt Plane (akrobatické letadlo)
AGBDLCID -Spawn Monster (Monster Truck)
d) Vozidla
CPKTNWT -Všechny auta vybuchnou (ve vašem okolí)
XICWMD -Neviditelné auto (jsou vidět kola a řidič)
PGGOMOY -Perfektní ovládání (můžete střílet z auta pohyblivěji)
ZEIIVG -Všude jsou zelené semafory (můžete si to pálit)
YLTEICZ -Agresivní řidiči (když nabouráte řidiče v autě tak vás napadne)
LLQPFBN -Růžová *silnice* !(neplatí)! Růžová auta
IOWDLAC -Černá *silnice* !(neplatí)! Černá auta
AFSNMSMW -Lodě létají (jako letadla,ale méně)
BGKGTJH -Na silnici jsou levná auta
GUSNHDE -Na silnici jsou rychlá auta
RIPAZHA -Auta létají (jako letadla)
JHJOECW -Vysoký Bunny Hop (vysoký krátký skok-v překladu)
JCNRUAD -Smash Boom (rozbít rozmach-v překladu)
COXEFGU -Všechny auta mají nitro
BSXSGGC -Auta odlétají po zásahu
THGLOJ -Snižuje provoz na silnicích (jezdí málo aut)
FVTMNBZ -Na silnicích jsou Co (nevím co to je)??
VKYPQCF -Taxi mají nitrountry Vehicle (no prostě mají nitro)
VQIMAHA -Auta mají maximální atributy (pozitivní vlastnosti-dobré vlastnosti)
e) Během hraní
AJLOJYQY -Chodci útočí (s různými zbraněmi)
BAGOWPG -Vypsaná odměna na vaši hlavu (máte jiný účes)
FOOOXFT -Všichni jsou ozbrojení (různé zbraně)
SZCMAWO -Sebevražda (nevím jestli jde)
BLUESUEDESHOES-Elvis je všude (tento kód jde)
BGLUAWML -Chodci na vás útočí bazukou (nepřežijete ani 5 sekund)
CIKGCG -Beach Party (plážová párty)
AFPHULTL -Ninja Theme (ninža téma-v překladu)-(na ulicí chodí ninžové+motorky)
BEKKNQV -Slut Magnet (chodí k vám děvky-coury jste jako magnet)
IOJUFZN -Riot Mode (vtržnostní režim-v překladu)
PRIEBJ -Funhouse Theme (po ulicích jezdí jídelní auta a vy vypadáte jako vůl)
SJMAHPE -Rekrutovátí lidí (pistole 9mm)-(namířit, zmáčknout G a je s vámi)
ZSOXFS -Rekrutování lidí (raketomet)-(to samé jako u pistole)
BMTPWHR -Country Vehicles (venkovští lidé) a chodci, získají 2 náklaďáky
f) Počasí a cheaty (kódy) s časem
AFZLLQLL -Slunečný den (svítí slunce)
ICIKPYH -Horký den (je strašné horko a všechno se vlní horkem)
ALNSFMZO -Zamračeno (jsou mraky a nesvítí slunce)
AUIFRVQS -Deštivo (prší)
CFVFGMJ -Mlha (není vidět ani na 30m)
MGHXYRM -Bouře (leje jako s konve)
CWJXUOC -Písečná bouře (nic není vidět)
YSOHNUL -Rychlejší ubíhání času
PPGWHJT -Rychlejší hra (všechno je rychlejší)
LIYOAAY -Pomalejší hra (všechno je pomalejší)
XJVSNAJ -Vždy půlnoc (je tma a je pořád půlnoc)
OFVIAC -Oranžová obloha 21:00
Cheat na přeskočení mise je ZUISEQUITF/IFNMSBFJHSGFNE
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Make Lasting Memories which has a Custom Photo Collage
(Williamdwedy, 25. 12. 2024 13:19)
Looking to create a truly unique keepsake? A custom image collage offers a new personal touch that will transforms your favourite memories into gorgeous, personalized artwork. No matter if celebrating a wedding, birthday, or family reunion, a well-crafted collage combines multiple images into one unified design, capturing the utilization of of the time.
Many online programs and professional designers now offer customization options, allowing a person to choose layouts, sizes, and models to match your vision. An individual can even add text or effects to make the collage stand out and about.
Perfect for gifting or decorating your current space, a custom photo collage is a wonderful way to preserve and showcase your own cherished memories.
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Exactly why a Custom Photo Collage Makes typically the Perfect Personalized Gift
(Williamjeole, 25. 12. 2024 11:04)
A custom photo collage is actually a truly special and thoughtful personalised gift, perfect for partying special moments and even meaningful relationships. By combining cherished recollections into an individual, visually stunning item, it includes both some sort of sentimental and artsy touch that store-bought gifts simply can't match.
Each collection is carefully designed to reflect typically the recipient’s personality plus experiences, making it the heartfelt gesture. No matter if it’s to get a special birthday, anniversary, or vacation, the collage serves as a classic keepsake that evokes nostalgia and pleasure collectively glance.
In addition, developing a custom image collage allows for endless creative choices. From selecting typically the perfect photos to selecting the layout in addition to design, it’s an opportunity to craft something truly unique. This makes it a gift that may be as memorable because the moments it remember.
Why is the strongest army in the world killing innocent and helpless women in Gaza?
(NormandBirty, 25. 12. 2024 10:26)
Call it what it is
What human rights are being violated in Palestine?
Deprivation of the right to self-determination, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly and illegal settlements were some of glaring manifestations of human rights violations of the Palestinian people
see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money
1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble
2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.
3- Because what USA president say about Israel
See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at
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if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.
if you do not do this also then you do not have a HART
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Unlocking Reminiscences: The Perfect Thing About Personalized Photograph Collages
(CharlesDIARD, 25. 12. 2024 8:50)
Photograph influences have long recently been cherished because of their capacity to capture a new spectrum of memories. However, individualized photo collages take this concept to the new level simply by tailoring images to tell an distinctive, personal story. These kinds of customized collections interweave together cherished occasions, creating a visual story that resonates deeply with all the individual or group they symbolize.
The beauty of an personalized collage lies in its ability to suggest emotion. By cautiously selecting photographs of which hold personal relevance, the collage turns into a tangible reflection regarding one's journey, breakthrough, and experiences. It's more than just a decoration—it's a new living memory, captured in time.
Moreover, individualized collages help to make excellent gifts, allowing recipients to re-experience their most appreciated moments. Whether displayed in a home or business office, these collages not only offer aesthetic appeal but also serve as powerful simple guidelines of the relationships, adventures, and milestones that shape the lives.
Ultimately, the great thing concerning individualized photograph influences is their capability to preserve reminiscences in a seriously meaningful, creative approach. They transform private snapshots into some sort of cohesive thing of beauty, acquiring the essence regarding life's most memorable moments.
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Uncover Memories: Create Your own Own Custom Picture Collage
(Gregorybaf, 25. 12. 2024 1:53)
Unlock the power of memories with custom multi-photo structures. These versatile exhibits allow you to be able to create personalized picture collages that capture special moments throughout an unique way. Whether it's loved ones gatherings, travel activities, or milestones, a custom collage provides multiple memories collectively in one stunning frame.
With unlimited design options, custom photo frames offer flexibility in structure, size, and fashion. Choose from various arrangements, from grid patterns to imaginative freeform designs, to be able to reflect your character and the substance of your memories. Change the frame’s shades and finishes to match your interior decorating.
A custom multi-photo frame is even more than simply an attractive piece—it's a dialogue starter, a nostalgic reminder, and an item of art that will celebrates your life’s most cherished moments. Perfect for gifts or perhaps personal keepsakes, it lets you showcase a new collection of recollections with style and style.
Make Timeless Memories along with CollageMasterCo
(Ruebendet, 24. 12. 2024 17:21)
Capture your beloved memories in an unique way together with CollageMasterCo, a creative platform that converts your photos straight into stunning, personalized influences. Whether it's for a special celebration, a family reunion, or even a personal memento, CollageMasterCo supplies a selection of customizable templates to turn the memories into skill.
Using its intuitive design tools, you may arrange photos, put text, and select from various styles to create a collage that flawlessly reflects your specific tale. The service is ideal for these wanting to celebrate breakthrough, anniversaries, or simply preserve moments in a meaningful way.
CollageMasterCo also provides high-quality prints, ensuring your memories final a lifetime. Whether or not displayed in your own home or given as a heartfelt gift, these influences serve as lasting reminders of typically the people and occasions that matter most.
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Generate Personalized Gifts with Ease at Collage Master: The Fastest-Growing Online Store
(HaroldPaf, 24. 12. 2024 8:44)
Collage Expert is rapidly growing as the fastest-growing online store regarding personalised presents, offering special and memorable creations for every occasion. Whether or not it's a special birthday, anniversary, or special celebration, Collage Master allows customers to craft a genuinely personal gift that will speaks volumes.
Which has a wide variety of materials and measurements, customers can easily get the perfect collection to suit their particular needs. From canvas prints to photo books, the alternatives are unlimited, ensuring an one of a kind product tailored to individual preferences.
The process is easy and user-friendly. Consumers can upload their very own own photos, customize colors, and adjust layouts, making every single gift fantastic. It's no wonder University Master has gained the trust and loyalty of numerous customers.
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Create the Perfect Custom Photo Collage Gift idea for Loved Ones
(Thomasuphob, 23. 12. 2024 23:55)
Looking to get a thoughtful in addition to unique gift with regard to your friends and family? Some sort of custom photo collage maker will be the best solution. With a few ticks, you can create personalized, meaningful items that capture special moments. Whether it’s a family reunion, vacation, or motorola milestone phone event, a photograph collage turns reminiscences into a stunning, cohesive artwork.
The most effective online stores present user-friendly interfaces of which allow you to easily upload photos, choose layouts, plus customize your style. Some platforms even provide options intended for different styles—modern, common, or rustic—so you can tailor typically the gift to the particular recipient’s taste.
Further than the design, many internet sites also offer publishing and framing solutions, ensuring that your current gift is appropriately made and all set for display. These types of services deliver high-quality prints, making your own custom collage some sort of treasured keepsake.
Developing a photo collection is a best way to show you care while offering a gift that endures a lifetime. Check out the web based stores offering these services, and even let your imagination shine!
Capturing Emotion: A Journey Through the Lens
(BarryZepay, 23. 12. 2024 15:04)
My journey in picture taking began at some sort of young age, motivated by an inborn curiosity to get the planet through the lens. Early in, I found myself drawn to the particular interplay of light, texture, and feeling, shaping my method to storytelling. These foundational experiences put the groundwork for any distinctive style which includes evolved over typically the years, marked by a blend of vivid color palettes and intimate subject matter matter.
As my work progressed, We sought to share even more than just visual beauty; I directed to evoke strong emotional connections. This particular desire led us to experiment together with different techniques plus perspectives, allowing our images to speak out loud to both a private and universal level.
My photography features since gained recognition in various displays and publications. Each and every project serves while a chance to push typically the boundaries of my personal creativity while remaining true to the main elements that determine my vision. Typically the journey continues, together with every new capture offering a fresh perspective on the particular world around us.
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Шейно Воротниковая Зона
(IsmaelFoeri, 25. 12. 2024 17:05)