GTA San Andreas
GTA SAN ANDREAS™ (cheaty) 2
a) výhody
LXGIWYL -Sada zbraní 1 (thugs tools)
KJKSZPJ -Sada zbraní 2 (professional tools)
UZUMYMW -Sada zbraní 3 (nuttert tools)
WANRLTW -Neomezená munice
NCSGDAG -Hodnost HITMAN ve všech zbraních
OUIQDMW -Maximální přesnost zbraní během jízdy
HESOYAM -Zdraví,armor(vestu) a 250 000 $
BAGUVIX -Neomezené zdraví (neplatí při zásahem bazukou)
b) Policie, atributy a gangy
OSRBLHH -Zvýší úroveň hledanosti o 2 * hvězdičky
LJSPQK -Zvýší úroveň hledanosti o 6 * hvězdičky
ASNAEB-(ASNEAB)-Vymaže úroveň hledanosti (no police)
AEZAKMI -Nikdy nebudete hledaní
MUNASEF -Adrenalin Mode
KANGAROO -Mega skok (přeskočíte i plot na letišti)
IAVENJQ -Mega úder (člověk kterého bouchnete odletí 10m daleko)
AEDUWNV -Nikdy nebudete hladoví
CVWKXAM -Neomezený kyslík
BTCDBCB -Tlustý (jste jako kulička)
KVGYZQK -Hubený (jste jako vychrtlá chudinka)
JYSDSOD -Max svaly (jste sexy muž)
OGXSDAG -Max Respekt (všichni vás budou respektovat, souhlasit s vámi)
EHIBXQS -Max Sex Appeal (budete přitažlivý)
MROEMZH -Členové gangu jsou všude (všechny druhy gangů jsou všude)
BIFBUZZ -Gangy ovládají ulice
c) Vyvolávání vozidel
AIWPRTON -Rhino (tank)
CQZIJMB -Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH -Rancher (farmářské auto-nevím jaké)?
PDNEJOH -Racecar (závodní auto #1)
VPJTQWV -Racecar (závodní auto #2)
AQTBCODX -Romero-Romeo (Alfa Romeo)
KRIJEBR -Stretch (limuzína-většinou bílá)
UBHYZHQ -Trashmaster (popelář)
RZHSUEW -Caddy (auto ve kterém se jezdí na golfovém hřišti)
JUMPJET -Hydra (stíhačka)
KGGGDKP -Vortex Hovercraft (vznášedlo)
OHDUDE -Hunter (vojenský vrtulní)
AKJJYGLC -Quad (čtyřkolka)
AMOMHRER -Tanker Truck (náklaďák i s přívěsem)
EEGCYXT -Dozer (bagr)
URKQSRK -Stunt Plane (akrobatické letadlo)
AGBDLCID -Spawn Monster (Monster Truck)
d) Vozidla
CPKTNWT -Všechny auta vybuchnou (ve vašem okolí)
XICWMD -Neviditelné auto (jsou vidět kola a řidič)
PGGOMOY -Perfektní ovládání (můžete střílet z auta pohyblivěji)
ZEIIVG -Všude jsou zelené semafory (můžete si to pálit)
YLTEICZ -Agresivní řidiči (když nabouráte řidiče v autě tak vás napadne)
LLQPFBN -Růžová *silnice* !(neplatí)! Růžová auta
IOWDLAC -Černá *silnice* !(neplatí)! Černá auta
AFSNMSMW -Lodě létají (jako letadla,ale méně)
BGKGTJH -Na silnici jsou levná auta
GUSNHDE -Na silnici jsou rychlá auta
RIPAZHA -Auta létají (jako letadla)
JHJOECW -Vysoký Bunny Hop (vysoký krátký skok-v překladu)
JCNRUAD -Smash Boom (rozbít rozmach-v překladu)
COXEFGU -Všechny auta mají nitro
BSXSGGC -Auta odlétají po zásahu
THGLOJ -Snižuje provoz na silnicích (jezdí málo aut)
FVTMNBZ -Na silnicích jsou Co (nevím co to je)??
VKYPQCF -Taxi mají nitrountry Vehicle (no prostě mají nitro)
VQIMAHA -Auta mají maximální atributy (pozitivní vlastnosti-dobré vlastnosti)
e) Během hraní
AJLOJYQY -Chodci útočí (s různými zbraněmi)
BAGOWPG -Vypsaná odměna na vaši hlavu (máte jiný účes)
FOOOXFT -Všichni jsou ozbrojení (různé zbraně)
SZCMAWO -Sebevražda (nevím jestli jde)
BLUESUEDESHOES-Elvis je všude (tento kód jde)
BGLUAWML -Chodci na vás útočí bazukou (nepřežijete ani 5 sekund)
CIKGCG -Beach Party (plážová párty)
AFPHULTL -Ninja Theme (ninža téma-v překladu)-(na ulicí chodí ninžové+motorky)
BEKKNQV -Slut Magnet (chodí k vám děvky-coury jste jako magnet)
IOJUFZN -Riot Mode (vtržnostní režim-v překladu)
PRIEBJ -Funhouse Theme (po ulicích jezdí jídelní auta a vy vypadáte jako vůl)
SJMAHPE -Rekrutovátí lidí (pistole 9mm)-(namířit, zmáčknout G a je s vámi)
ZSOXFS -Rekrutování lidí (raketomet)-(to samé jako u pistole)
BMTPWHR -Country Vehicles (venkovští lidé) a chodci, získají 2 náklaďáky
f) Počasí a cheaty (kódy) s časem
AFZLLQLL -Slunečný den (svítí slunce)
ICIKPYH -Horký den (je strašné horko a všechno se vlní horkem)
ALNSFMZO -Zamračeno (jsou mraky a nesvítí slunce)
AUIFRVQS -Deštivo (prší)
CFVFGMJ -Mlha (není vidět ani na 30m)
MGHXYRM -Bouře (leje jako s konve)
CWJXUOC -Písečná bouře (nic není vidět)
YSOHNUL -Rychlejší ubíhání času
PPGWHJT -Rychlejší hra (všechno je rychlejší)
LIYOAAY -Pomalejší hra (všechno je pomalejší)
XJVSNAJ -Vždy půlnoc (je tma a je pořád půlnoc)
OFVIAC -Oranžová obloha 21:00
Cheat na přeskočení mise je ZUISEQUITF/IFNMSBFJHSGFNE
Přehled komentářů
Carat One is a captivating podcasting that dives to the intricate world of engagement rings in addition to superb. Each event covers a range of topics, from your artistry behind numerous diamond cuts for the latest trends throughout jewelry design.
Audience can expect engaging discussions that not really only educate yet also inspire young couples on their quest to obtain the perfect ring. With insights coming from industry experts and honest stories, the podcast emphasizes the emotional significance of selecting a piece that reflects a couple's unique love story.
Carat One acts as an important resource for anyone browsing through the complexities regarding engagement ring shopping, blending data having a touch regarding romance to help couples select a meaningful symbol of these commitment.
Stunning Duets: The Storytelling Magic of Part Stone Engagement Rings
(Nicolasslado, 9. 10. 2024 10:06)
In the episode "Dazzling Duets" from the particular CaratBee podcast, listeners explore the captivating world of side rock engagement rings. This particular design features a new stunning center natural stone complemented by smaller sized side stones, producing a harmonious and visually striking piece that tells an unique story of like.
The episode delves in to the significance of side stones, discussing how to represent various areas of a relationship—such as past, found, and future—or the particular individual personalities of each partner. Experts share insights within the various types involving side stones, which includes diamonds and vibrant gemstones, and exactly how they will can enhance the overall brilliance of the ring.
Audience will also uncover tips for picking the ideal side rock configuration and environment styles, making it easy to modify each ring. In the end, "Dazzling Duets" commemorates the beauty and symbolism of area stone engagement bands, inviting couples to create an important and unforgettable sign of their take pleasure in story.
Гeлиeвые шары – заказать гелиевые шарики с доставкой
(RandyGrons, 9. 10. 2024 9:34)Мы осуществляем продажу надувных гелиевых шаров недорого с доставкой в Нижнем Новгороде. Гарантируем высокое качество и долгий полет композиций
Гeлиeвые шары – заказать гелиевые шарики с доставкой
(RandyGrons, 9. 10. 2024 8:57)Мы осуществляем продажу надувных гелиевых шаров недорого с доставкой в Нижнем Новгороде. Гарантируем высокое качество и долгий полет композиций
Гeлиeвые шары – заказать гелиевые шарики с доставкой
(RandyGrons, 9. 10. 2024 8:16)Мы осуществляем продажу надувных гелиевых шаров недорого с доставкой в Нижнем Новгороде. Гарантируем высокое качество и долгий полет композиций
Тату та пірсинг якісно в Житомирі
(Тату, 9. 10. 2024 3:19)
Ласкаво просимо до нашої студії татуювань та пірсингу в Житомирі!
Ми робимо унікальні шедеври, що підкреслюють вашу індивідуальність та стиль. В нашій в команді працюють круті майстри з багаторічним досвідом, які використовують безпосередньо нове обладнання та безпечні матеріали.
Ви мрієте про круте татуювання або стильний пірсинг? В нашому салоні ви знайдете все для втілення своїх найсміливіших ідей. Подаруйте собі можливість стати особливим з натовпу та висловити вашу особистість через мистецтво тату та пірсингу.
Приходьте до нашого салону ГОЛКА та переконайтеся в якості нашої роботи!
Зроби собі подарунок у вигляді Пірсингу -
Ищeтe кoмпанию в Риге?
(Thomastoump, 8. 10. 2024 21:46)Услуги Riga escort предлагают идеальное сопровождение для вашего отдыха или деловой поездки
Дoстaвкa гелиевых шаров в Нижнем Новгороде
(WilliamSok, 8. 10. 2024 20:50)Доставка воздушных шаров с гелием по цене от 115 рублей за гелиевый шарик. Круглосуточно 24/7 доставляем по Нижнему Новгороду и области, а самовывоз со скидкой 5%
Ищeтe кoмпанию в Риге?
(Thomastoump, 8. 10. 2024 20:44)Услуги Riga escort предлагают идеальное сопровождение для вашего отдыха или деловой поездки
Дoстaвкa гелиевых шаров в Нижнем Новгороде
(WilliamSok, 8. 10. 2024 20:11)Доставка воздушных шаров с гелием по цене от 115 рублей за гелиевый шарик. Круглосуточно 24/7 доставляем по Нижнему Новгороду и области, а самовывоз со скидкой 5%
Karat Crystal: A Podcast on Engagement Wedding rings and Jewelry
(EugeneHeill, 8. 10. 2024 19:33)
The Carat Crystal podcast offers an insightful exploration to the world of diamond rings and great jewelry. Each show dives deep into various topics, coming from different diamond reductions and styles for the latest trends inside the jewelry industry.
Guests can expect interesting discussions that high light the emotional value of rings, expert the way to making advised choices, and reports that celebrate like and commitment. Typically the podcast aims to be able to educate couples concerning the craftsmanship powering jewelry, empowering them to select pieces of which truly resonate with their personal style and even story.
With its mixture of information and inspiration, Carat Amazingly is a beneficial resource for anybody navigating the sparkling realm of engagement rings, helping them find the best symbol of their love.
Дoстaвкa гелиевых шаров в Нижнем Новгороде
(WilliamSok, 8. 10. 2024 19:26)Доставка воздушных шаров с гелием по цене от 115 рублей за гелиевый шарик. Круглосуточно 24/7 доставляем по Нижнему Новгороду и области, а самовывоз со скидкой 5%
Marquise Magic: Unveiling the particular Elegance of Navette Cut Engagement Rings
(Trevorfrith, 8. 10. 2024 17:06)
In the CaratBee podcasting episode titled "Marquise Magic, " listeners are invited to explore the captivating allure regarding marquise cut diamond rings. This unique shape, known intended for its elongated silhouette and pointed comes to an end, maximizes the diamond’s brilliance, creating the stunning visual influence.
The episode delves into the great the marquise slice, which dates back to the 18th centuries, and its particular unique capacity to come up with a hand appear longer and more elegant. Authorities discuss the adaptability of the navette cut in numerous settings, from classic solitaires to modern halo designs, supplying couples a wide range of alternatives to express their very own personal style.
Guests also gain observations into the psychological significance of selecting a marquise trim, symbolizing love and romance. This show serves as a valuable guide for individuals seeking an ageless yet distinctive proposal ring, celebrating the sweetness and individuality that will marquise cuts bring to any love tale.
Sparkle Stories: Unveiling CaratBee India's Cushion Cut Engagement Rings
(Garrettgrisa, 8. 10. 2024 14:38)
In the particular episode "Sparkle Reports, " the CaratBee podcast dives to the enchanting realm of cushion cut proposal rings. Known regarding their vintage elegance and romantic draw, cushion cuts blend a square form with rounded corners, creating a smooth, elegant silhouette that will captures light wonderfully.
Listeners will study concerning the history plus craftsmanship behind cushioning cuts, as well as their very own growing popularity among couples seeking ageless yet distinctive styles. The episode covers the advantages regarding this cut, like as its adaptability in settings and even its ability to highlight a diamond's clarity and elegance.
Expert insights lead couples in choosing the perfect safety net cut ring, supplying tips on modification and personalization in order to reflect their special love stories. Ultimately, "Sparkle Stories" celebrates the particular beauty of cushion cut engagement jewelry, making it the must-listen for any person in search associated with an ideal symbol associated with commitment.
Воздушные гелиевые шapы от 120 рублей
(EdwardFlisk, 8. 10. 2024 12:58)Воздушные гелиевые шары от 120 рублей за 1 шарик. Срочная доставка от 1 часа. Круглосуточная доставка по Нижнему Новгороду. Более 4000 наборов в каталоге на сайте
Воздушные гелиевые шapы от 120 рублей
(EdwardFlisk, 8. 10. 2024 12:22)Воздушные гелиевые шары от 120 рублей за 1 шарик. Срочная доставка от 1 часа. Круглосуточная доставка по Нижнему Новгороду. Более 4000 наборов в каталоге на сайте
Воздушные гелиевые шapы от 120 рублей
(EdwardFlisk, 8. 10. 2024 11:43)Воздушные гелиевые шары от 120 рублей за 1 шарик. Срочная доставка от 1 часа. Круглосуточная доставка по Нижнему Новгороду. Более 4000 наборов в каталоге на сайте
Sparkle and Shine: Decoding Pear Shape Wedding Rings with CaratBee Canada
(Kellyeruri, 8. 10. 2024 9:47)
In the appealing episode "Sparkle and even Shine" from the CaratBee podcast, fans explore the captivating regarding pear-shaped wedding rings. This exclusive cut, resembling some sort of teardrop, beautifully includes the elegance involving round and navette shapes, creating a spectacular focal point that will captures light inside mesmerizing ways.
The episode discusses the advantages of choosing a pear shape, including the versatility and capability to elongate the particular finger, making it the flattering choice for many. Experts talk about insights on selecting the perfect setting, from classic solitaires to modern aura, and how to personalize typically the ring to reflect individual style and sentiment.
Listeners also learn about the symbolism powering the pear condition, representing tears of joy and typically the beauty of like. This episode is an invaluable guide for couples searching for an exclusive yet amazing engagement ring, encouraging all of them to embrace the particular sparkle and glow of pear-shaped designs in their love story.
Bright Reflections: Exploring CaratBee Canada's Radiant Cut Engagement Rings
(MatthewDox, 8. 10. 2024 7:22)
In the most recent episode of the CaratBee podcast, "Radiant Reflections, " guests are invited in order to discover the engaging allure of radiant cut engagement jewelry. This unique diamonds cut combines typically the brilliance of a new round diamond along with the elegance associated with an emerald cut, featuring stunning array of facets that boost its sparkle.
The particular episode delves in to the characteristics of which make radiant slices a popular selection among couples, mentioning their versatility inside settings and designs. Fans will learn concerning the emotional significance at the rear of these rings, comprising a love of which shines brightly in addition to stands out.
Together with expert insights plus practical tips on selecting an ideal radiant cut, this episode serves as an invaluable resource for all those navigating the quest of engagement band shopping. Ultimately, it celebrates the beauty and individuality regarding radiant cut expensive diamonds, encouraging couples to find a band that reflects their unique love story.
Two Hearts, One Ring: Navigating the Romantic endeavors of Two-Stone Diamond Rings
(JamesHible, 8. 10. 2024 2:32)
Two-stone engagement bands beautifully symbolize the particular union of a couple of lives, representing the past and future associated with a couple’s love story. This design features two gemstones, often set aspect by side, plus serves as some sort of poignant reminder of the connection and shared journey in between partners.
The versatility of two-stone bands allows for unlimited customization, with married couples choosing from a various gemstones and settings to reflect their unique style. Whether opting for classic diamonds or even vibrant colored gemstones, each ring may be tailored to resonate with personal significance.
Beyond their artistic appeal, two-stone rings convey a deep mental meaning, celebrating the harmony and equilibrium inside a relationship. Because they become adored heirlooms, these rings encapsulate the essence involving love’s journey, generating them a long-term testament to the bond between two minds. Ultimately, two-stone engagement rings are certainly not just beautiful bits of jewelry; they are powerful icons of love and commitment.
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Karat One: A Podcasting Exploring Engagement Wedding rings and Jewelry
(Thomasphove, 9. 10. 2024 12:31)